Monthly Archives: June 2015

Evolving the National Weather Service. 2. Technology and infrastructure.

“the war to end all wars” – British author H. G. Wells (referring to World War I). “This war, like the next war, is a war to end war.” British prime minister Lloyd George, at war’s end. (Continuing lessons from … Continue reading

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Evolving the National Weather Service? Some reflections (from a distant mirror).

The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.” – Theodore Roosevelt “This isn’t the NWS Modernization. It’s the 10th NWS Modernization. And it isn’t just a Modernization. It’s a Modernization and Associated Restructuring.” … Continue reading

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Holism: the first casualty in the climate-change war?

“In war, truth is the first casualty.” – attributed to various authors The recently-released papal encyclical on climate change calls for a holistic approach to the challenge. (That’s holistic and holism as in considering the problem in its broadest aspects, … Continue reading

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Pope Francis schools the world on systems of equations.

Please let me know what you think of this analogy: Late in elementary school or somewhere in middle school, kids encounter one several branch points that tend to separate those likely to continue in mathematics and science from those who … Continue reading

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Papal prayers on climate change.

At the conclusion of Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change, issued this past Thursday, he proposed “that we offer two prayers. The first we can share with all who believe in a God who is the all-powerful Creator, while in … Continue reading

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Laudato si’

Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with coloured flowers and herbs    – Saint Francis of Assisi This sister now cries out to us because … Continue reading

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The Age of Muddle?

Muddle: to behave, proceed, or think in a confused or aimless fashion or with an air of improvisation – In a comment  to LOTRW, John Plodinec offered this alternative to  the most recent post, on The Age of Global … Continue reading

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The Age of Global Renewal

Every generation gives a name to the age they live in. Of course it’s not quite so simple. Generally speaking, we don’t engage in a naming contest. Rather we all live out our lives in a certain way, and according … Continue reading

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TBD List for Colloquium alumni

This year’s AMS Summer Policy Colloquium is a wrap. The participants have all made it home. Back at the office, we’re closing out the books and writing inadequate acknowledgments to the distinguished speakers who took time out of their crazily-busy … Continue reading

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