Monthly Archives: September 2023

The real world – no place for wishful thinking. Part 1. Hazards

This week’s print edition of The Economist includes an article entitled Uninsurable America. The subtitle reads, succinctly: Insurance is supposed to signal risk. Policymakers should let it. The article merits study in its entirety, but here are a few key … Continue reading

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18-, 19-, 20-years… Time’s up! (sort-of)

At twenty years on, it’s once again time to revisit J.F. Rischard’s 2003 book, High Noon: Twenty Global Problems, Twenty Years to Solve Them. LOTRW provided an earlier look at the book on November 9, 2013, ten years after its … Continue reading

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Meteorologues sans Frontieres

(Forgive this post – the idea came to me during last night’s bout with insomnia. And no shaming, please; we all suffer sleeplessness for our own reasons and cope in our own ways…) Let’s suppose you unexpectedly find yourself at … Continue reading

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Anticipating (weather’s) chaos; meshing government- and for-profit weather services; and the elephant in this room.

Historically, monitoring weather and issuing weather forecasts and warnings has been the province of governments. But recently, both the incentives and the means for anticipating and coping with chaotic weather are growing in scope and variety. And so are the … Continue reading

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