Search Results for: Euro

Ozone treaties, U.S. fiscal irresponsibility, and the Euro: three threads, intertwined

Inside the first section of today’s Washington Post? An article by Juliet Eilperin, who reports that India and China have objected to a proposal for phasing down production of hydrofluorocarbons (HFC’s) that would have started in 2014. Inasmuch as HFC’s … Continue reading

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When it comes to artificial intelligence and weather, think like the Wright brothers.

On May 13th  the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate held a day of sessions entitled Enabling US Leadership in Artificial Intelligence for Weather. A webcast made the experience available to a … Continue reading

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AI prompting? Not to worry. The horse is learning to whisper to us.

As discussed in the previous LOTRW post, university computer science curricula nationwide are offering courses in AI-prompting – a new discipline, mixing the science and art required to harness the full power of artificial intelligence. A new subject for human … Continue reading

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The real world. No place for wishful thinking. Part 4. Climate (and other) reparations.

“Don’t fix the blame. Fix the problem.” – (origin unclear…) Happy Thanksgiving! Climate reparations are indeed no place for wishful thinking – but perhaps the topic could stand a bit of thankful thinking. And when better to acknowledge this than … Continue reading

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18-, 19-, 20-years… Time’s up! (sort-of)

At twenty years on, it’s once again time to revisit J.F. Rischard’s 2003 book, High Noon: Twenty Global Problems, Twenty Years to Solve Them. LOTRW provided an earlier look at the book on November 9, 2013, ten years after its … Continue reading

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Anticipating (weather’s) chaos; meshing government- and for-profit weather services; and the elephant in this room.

Historically, monitoring weather and issuing weather forecasts and warnings has been the province of governments. But recently, both the incentives and the means for anticipating and coping with chaotic weather are growing in scope and variety. And so are the … Continue reading

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Bootstrap World.

Given present trends and recent events, it’s time to revisit and update a few notions basic to the LOTRW blog over the years as well as the book by that title. Today’s focus is on natural hazards and disasters: Extremes … Continue reading

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A National Climate Emergency?

“If you want a barge to move, and you kick it, you only hurt your foot. But if you lean on it, sooner or later it has to move your way.” – Joseph O. Fletcher[1] News reports over the past … Continue reading

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Does COP-26 have an Achilles heel? It could be a lack of the needed workforce.

This past week and over the next, those worldwide who are alarmed (and many of the merely concerned) by climate change are riveted on the daily news from COP-26, the latest in a multi-year series of global summits on that … Continue reading

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The innovation workforce pipeline.

The previous LOTRW post compared innovation to a tractor pull; throughout history, each increment of innovation is made a bit more challenging by the growing accumulation of prior progress that must be accommodated and pulled along. Fortunately, not all innovation … Continue reading

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